Can people’s thoughts and behaviors be brought from consciousness into subconsciousness by daily practicing?

What you are asking is can you bury conscious information and hide it in your subconscious using your own will to do so.
First of all, hiding your thoughts will not save you from them. Anything that you care about will affect you.
Secondly, usually what is buried in the subconscious are the images, thoughts and experiences that are too difficult to bear. They are not the things that we wish would just go away.
You are a mind so you have thoughts. This is what you do whether you like it or not.
I think it more prudent to understand your thoughts and why you want to bury them.
You may learn about yourself.
Walking around with your subconscious on overload is not a condition that you want to be in.
One way or another, your thoughts will be released and with them, your emotions.
Wouldn’t you rather take the time to deal with these things now as they are a part of you, rather than have them jump out at you when you least expect it?
If your overall goal is to control your mind, you must absolutely deal with your thoughts not by hiding them, but by facing them and working through them.


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