Do you believe that spirits are among us and influence our lives without our conscious recognition of their powers?

We are only the sum or our information which is held together by our conscious energy field. The flesh body is only the vessel we use while we are on the earth.
Once the body dies, we are released; all our information in our conscious energy field.
Because we are still conscious, we can still interact consciously with those flesh beings still on earth if those on earth are open to receive us.
We will retain all our memories, knowledge, thoughts, beliefs, character, personality and thoughts of what we look and sound like. In every way we will be the same “person” that we were, but we will have no physical form. However, we will have the ability to project our image outward to others that we connect with so they can see us and as we they are connected to us, they will hear us as well.
In addition to projecting our own image, we can project other images as well: an angel, a cherub, a fairy. Any image we can imagine we can also project so that our contact will see this image and be comforted by it.
This is our true nature; it is what we are.
While we live on earth, we are faced with different parameters due to the presence of gravity and its effects on our lower mind.
Our lower mind is not as powerful as our higher mind because of the weight of gravity.
Our lower mind is our default mind. It will seem like we live here while we are in our bodies.
When our bodies die, the gravity lock opens and we are released and now are free of gravity and we are much more fluid in our mental expressions which broadens our talents and gifts.
Everything we experience while sharing a conscious connection to a spirit is the result of spirit information passing to us.
We see fantastic things, because the spirit has engaged our imagination.
In essence, that is where all spirits live after their corporeal lives are over.


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