If heaven exists, what is below?

The religious teaching is that heaven is above and hell is below.
Heaven is a place for “good souls” and Hell is a place for those who were not “good” according to the one who interprets these things.
If you are looking for all interpretations on the subject here is mine:
Both heaven and hell are concepts individually created by the imagination of the author.
The mind lives on and continues to think and imagine so it can imagine it is anywhere it wants.
All minds are released into the conscious universe, but each mind is its own individual world made up of its individual thoughts.
One mind would not necessarily meet another mind unless it chose to.
There is nothing below.
Minds are thoughts and the energy waves generated by the thoughts and the whole energy signature of the mind will be equal to the combined wave of all thoughts.
All low thoughts would reside on an equal plane and all high thoughts would reside on an equal plane.
Low and high thoughts would not reside on the same plane because they each carry an opposing wave.


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