If Jesus' message was to love enemies, why did he have so many? *Channeled Message From Christ*

Each man chooses his own path.
An enemy chooses to be an enemy. It has nothing to do with the victim.
The victim speaks only for himself. He does not speak for the enemy. He cannot. The victim only knows his mind, not the mind of anyone else.
Jesus has this to say, “No man was my enemy; that is, I was not his enemy. But many men opposed the message I would bring to the world. The message of love was contrary to man’s message of self-importance. Self-love was man’s message and when he heard me speak of love for all, he became enraged. For if all are loved then he is not important. Man must be the receiver of all love. It must not go to his brothers or sisters. Neither can it be flourished upon his mother or father.
Such a man, full of hate for all other men and consumed by his love of himself, will do anything to protect himself. He will even kill the messenger who speaks of love for all, because that man is threatened by all.
That man serves only the one and that one is himself.
That one invented a system of commerce where he would benefit solely at the expense of all other men.
As he profited from the needs of the many, they would suffer with less, for they had given away the little they had in hope of sharing what the selfish man had garnered.
But the selfish man does not share. He keeps what he has and he takes what you have and when the stranger comes along and speaks about it; when the stranger speaks out to warn the people of his dubious actions, the selfish man has the stranger murdered.
So too was I murdered, so that selfishness could lead the world.
Now look at the state that it is in.
Your world is dying due to selfishness.
The world does not know me, it only knows the selfish man who procreated himself.”


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