If our thoughts live forever, do we too?

You are your thoughts.
I know its hard to believe because you look in a mirror and see a physical person standing there.
But actually, you are looking what you think you look like.
Yes there is a human figure looking back at you, but what you think you look like frames what you think you see.
You know this figure by name because you learned your name from your parents so now when you look in the mirror you see an image and know the name of the image.
This is part of your knowledge about the image. But you also know what you think of the image. You know whether the image is handsome, strong, clever, intelligent, successful, witty, and so on. You know this because you have thoughts about the image you see staring back at you in the mirror. You even have thoughts about the style of the image, how it looks in clothes. You have thoughts about the tastes of the image.
Do you see how you are a thought?
When you see this image in the mirror, you know it is you by looks and appearance. You know your name, your biographical information, your feelings, your emotions, your education, your likes and dislikes, your dreams, your goals, you know every place you went to and every place you want to go.
When your body dies, all of this information is released. You live as this information.
You are information that carries an energy wave. The energy wave of your information corresponds to light. Your wave also corresponds to colors.
You will continue to think, dream and imagine and through your thoughts you will live. When you want to connect with other information, you will then be able to experience the world of the new information if it is agreeable to your presence.
You will have many talents. As all your senses have been recorded, you will still have the memory of taste, smell and touch, so existence without a body will seem real.
You will be able to project your image outward so others see you as you were, or you will be able to choose another appearance, any other appearance you want.
You will be able to take in information and become that information if you choose to. And you will be able to go back to your original information when you choose to do that too.
Anyone you love will be there for you to experience again because you have your memories. This includes any pets you might have had.
If the people you love also pass on, they will be like you and have a choice to reunite with you.
Not all accept their new life.
Some people call this life a spiritual life, and they would refer to you as a spirit.
If you appeared on earth, you would be a ghost.
But really, it is all information.


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