Why aren't there ever near death experiences that describe the time when the person was pronounced dead as nothingness, unconsciousness, non-existence until brought back to life?

What is occurring in NDE’s is the continuation of mental activity even though the heart has stopped functioning.
The mind is not the body, the mind lives independently of the body and the brain.
It exists as a conscious energy container that stores all your information; your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, thoughts of what you look like and who you are, your opinions, memories and knowledge.
What changes during an NDE is your perception.
Your perception at this time is based on the condition of your mental baggage. What is there stored in your mind that you can see? What attachments do you have? What are your beliefs?
If someone saw nothing, they would have attachments to nothing so they did not carry anything with them from the physical world; they took no baggage.
NDE’s are not the only time that a subject can experience continued mental activity.
Subjects in comas and in state’s of unconsciousness can also experience mental activity.
In 2007, I was struck by a car while crossing the street, I was told by doctors it was a miracle I survived. I was knocked unconscious but did not die, but I woke in blackness and my senses were quite active and aware. I was aware I was disembodied. I also felt an amazingly wonderful vibration of high energy. It was beyond release from all troubles. The rational thought that I was disembodied, only lasted a moment before I woke on a stretcher in an ambulance bound for the hospital. I had no memory of what happened to me physically, but I remembered the black plane I had been on and I remembered thinking I was disembodied. I also remembered the vibration.
I could not move my arms they were so heavy and I could not speak. I didn’t know how. But I was thinking just fine. My thoughts flowed without trouble. Where was my sister? What happened to her? Where was my dog? What happened to him? (We all lived together and they were the most important to me) I recovered my speech momentarily and was able to verbalize my questions and answer the attendant’s questions. I still don’t remember the actual accident, but I remember everything else quite vividly.
My experience has enhanced my spiritual journey, my gifts, and my knowledge of the conscious universe.


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