How does channeling spirit guides work?

You will understand what I’m about to tell you if you put it to the test. See this for yourself in your own life.
You are a thinking machine.
No matter what you do, you cannot stop thinking.
All of your life, you will be thinking about the information you are experiencing through your sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, feelings and emotions. You will be analyzing, judging and forming opinions and beliefs.
Are you with me so far?
You will observe that you are surrounded by information not only from all the media sources available and from the people you interact with, but from every thing you experience through your senses.
Absolutely everything in the universe is telling you something. Check it out.
Are you still with me?
Do you see how everything is information and you are a receiver and processor of this information?
This is what you truly are. You could say you are a thought machine that receives and sends thoughts.
Now, without writing a thought down on paper or on a text message, without illustrating a thought and without speaking or singing a thought, could you actually produce a thought?
A thought has no substance does it?
It only makes an impression according to how it is interpreted, but it leaves no trail of its own and it bears no physical impression.
This is because you are not physical. Only your body is physical and you are only borrowing your body while you are living in the physical world.
You are here to gather information about you.
Can you believe that that is all your here for?
Along the way, your thoughts will tell you what you want to do with your life, but you are actually here to gather information and your thoughts are your information.
As you are the sum of all your thoughts, you are in essence, conscious energy.
As you are conscious energy, you are a part of the conscious universe.
You can never be disconnected from the conscious universe because your true home is the conscious universe.
When the body dies, you are released to the conscious universe as the sum of all your information. Your energy body that carries you is known as your spirit and your energy is so strong that you can reflect the image of what you think you look like. You can also reflect the voice that you think you had.
If you hold any attachments to the people and/or places and things of the earth, you will stay here to guard, guide or complete whatever attachment mission you have after your body dies, but if you release the world, you will join the conscious universe and continue your life as a thought being.
You will do exactly what you did on earth: you will think, imagine, dream, create illusions, compose songs, think up stories and you will experience all your thoughts with the retained memories of all the sensations you experienced on earth.
You will not be the only spirit in the conscious universe who is doing this. Every one goes here.
Now let’s get back to your question.
A spirit guide is you. It is any spirit who chooses to guide the people of the earth.
As you are conscious on earth and conscious after you leave the earth, you are always connected to consciousness and you are connected to everyone else who is conscious too.
Is that amazing?
On earth, a person who seeks a spirit guide is a conduit. In seeking a guide, the conduit is open to receive.
Now the spirit in the conscious universe determines whether the wave of the conduit is equal to his/her own. If they are equal, the spirit guide can speak to the conduit on earth.
What do you talk about?
Why you share your thoughts of course. The longer you are in the conscious universe, the more thoughts you can know. All the thoughts of the conscious universe equals all the knowledge of the conscious universe.
When you speak to a conduit, you open yourself to the conduit as the conduit is open to you. You can travel through their thoughts and they can travel through yours.
Because you are both conscious, you are both thinking and you are both connected to the conscious universe which is a universe of thoughts.


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