If you are an immortal individual infinite spirit existing within an infinite number of other similar beings then how can you kill or murder? Who invented the concept of the immortality of the human spirit force that is within you?
When you ask how can you kill or murder, I assume you mean how
can you physically kill or murder, because both killing and murdering are
physical acts and mortals carry out physical acts; they are the only ones that
can carry out physical acts because they are the ones that possess physical
bodies to do so.
Spirits cannot act in this way.
A ghost is anchored to the physical plane and therefore can
utilize the energies of the earth to alter temperature conditions within its
own environment such as the room it haunts. It may also move objects. But each
action it takes, drains its energy so it would not be able to generate energy
for long and it is doubtful it could generate enough energy to actually kill a
human being. Endanger it, possibly but I’m not so sure about killing it.
While you are in your human body, you are anchored to the
physical plane even more so than a ghost, but the spirits you may or may not be
connected to are not anchored to the earth, these spirits would be with you in
consciousness only, they would have no body.
While you have a body, you also have a lower mind.
It is the lower mind that will carry the vibration that will
propel the human body to kill and murder.
The ghost will have a lower mind and it may also share the
thought or intention, but it will only be able to use your body to kill with
and then you have to agree to do the crime.
Spirit consciousness is both low and high, but it is the
identity of the spirit that decides which of his conscious thoughts he chooses
to share with the human conduit he is connected to. Will he choose higher
benevolent thoughts or lower malevolent thoughts?
A spirit’s conscious thoughts are of the same quality as they
were in life. In other words, death does not make a spirit evil. The human
being would have to be evil before death in order to be evil after death.
If the propensity toward malevolent behavior is not there in the
human mind before death, it will not be there after death.
Death releases all human thoughts. It is up to the spirit to
discern what it learned from its life journey and raise its own conscience.
If it does not choose to rise and if it did not carry high
thoughts in life, then there will be no raising after death and no improvement
in thinking.
I do not know who
invented the concept of the immortality of the human spirit force that is
within you.
I channel spirit consciousness and this is how I
know consciousness lives on.
It is not a physical property and it cannot be
produced in material evidence.
Only material can die, corrode, dissolve and deteriorate.
That which has no material form cannot be destroyed.
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Thank You for reaching out! We are all a part of the vast universe of consciousness. Lets not lose touch.
Peaceful Thoughts,