What are the boundaries between mediumship and madness?

I believe madness is subjective.
Anytime you encounter any information that you’re not ready to receive, you will reject it.
Imagine the cave man recoiling in horror to fire?
You don’t recoil to it though because you understand it.
But until you understand the thing that you’re afraid of, it will seem like madness to you.
Once you understand it you will be able to see it through the eyes of knowledge which removes the fear component.
The work of a medium is to speak to those who have passed on after their physical bodies have died.
If this is something that you understand and accept then the medium should present any information to you concerning your deceased friend or relation in a sensitive, compassionate manner.
There should be nothing maddening about it.
If you go into the session fearful of it, you really shouldn’t do it.
I believe the work of a medium is at best a practice for those who believe that love never dies for we are never parted from those we love.
It is not a parlor show or a theatrical event. It is not a game or a joke.
I don’t understand how people can mourn their loved ones, yet be so afraid to speak with them.
If you think you have mourned the death of your loved one, think how your loved one feels about losing his/her connection to you?
Death is not just about the one who survives on earth. The one who passes over has given up much more than the one they leave behind.
Reach out. Console them, love them. Continue the relationship you nurtured on earth.
If you mourn your loved ones, you have closed the door forever.
But if you truly love, you will open the window and call out their name and discover that in love you are never parted.


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