What does the spirit world look like?

What does the spirit world look like? Well, it looks like the thoughts that are in the conscious universe.
We are conscious and we have thoughts.
We have dreams, ideas, fantasies, illusions and memories. We have a personality and a character and we have thoughts of what we look and sound like.
We are not flesh, we are the sum of all our thoughts.
When you see a ghost (spirit), what you see is the information of a human being.
It is the information that particular individual human being collected of itself. In other words it reflects its thought of what it looked like and if it speaks, it reflects the voice that it remembers it sounded like.
When you are channeling information from the spirit world, you are channeling a spirit’s thoughts.
When that spirit takes you on a journey and you seem to go somewhere and see places, you are literally traveling inside the spirits dreams, illusions and fantasies.
As we are the sum of our information contained in our minds that our housed in our spirit bodies, our true home is the conscious universe.
The conscious universe holds all of consciousness; all thoughts and all thought beings.
We are never separated from consciousness even when our brains are injured or dead.
Consider this: Your brain receives information from your “true self” your mind, the storage place of all your thoughts including the thoughts of who you are; your identity and personality.
You are your consciousness.
If the brain is damaged or if the brain dies, you are not affected because you are not made of flesh.
The brain is made of flesh.
However you, as consciousness, can no longer operate your body because you cannot access the channels in the brain.
The only thing that holds you to the body is gravity; the gravity of the life force.
Once the body dies, the gravity lock opens and you are released to the conscious universe unless you have mental attachments to something on earth.
If you have thoughts that attach you to something on earth, you will remain on earth as a spirit.
People who channel spirits have fantastic stories to tell of fantastic worlds. This is because these channelers have traveled inside the thoughts of a spirit who has taken them on a journey of all the fantastic worlds the imagination can conjure.
It is comforting to know there is another world waiting for you and when it is time for you to leave your body, you can go there.
You, as a thought of who you are, living in a world that you (or someone else) thought up.


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