Is Divinity a gift or that which is already within you?

Thank you for your question.
I will not say that divinity is not already within you but we may not perceive, interpret or understand divinity in the same way.
My understanding of divinity is a sublime state, a superior state, a state of perfection and holiness.
I do not believe that divinity can be obtained on earth; that is, I do not believe that we (as human beings) can be divine while we are human because the negative energies of the physical world and especially of man’s world are against divinity.
You see, as divinity is sublime, superior and a state of perfection, it is also the highest positive state.
The physical world, by virtue of its material component (and man by virtue of his material component) is denser than spirit.
Gravity is a negative influence, not a positive one.
Add the effects of gravity, which keep you grounded to the physical plane and to gravity add all the negative energy that is present in the world, add your own negative energy on to all of this and you can see how weighty physical existence actually is.
In order to reach divinity on earth, you would have to remove yourself from all negative influences and quite literally focus on being holy, perfect, sublime and then you would have to live as holiness, perfection and as a sublime being, not only speaking this language, but acting in these ways.
And as I have my own ideas about divinity, I also have my own ideas about divine and holy behavior and I don’t see humans exhibiting it.
I, myself, cannot exhibit it.
Now, these are just words and we all define words according to our individual perspective and opinions about them and we all have our own thoughts, we all have individual perceptions, opinions and judgments.
You may believe you are already divine and you already speak and act divinely and I will not argue about it.
Your mind is your mind. Your thoughts are your thoughts. Your beliefs and perspective is solely yours.
But my information remains my information.


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