What is the hardest part about being self aware?

Thank you for your question. I had to reflect for a moment in order to answer.
In my experience, being self-aware is more about knowing who you are authentically, then it is about being aware of your every move or interaction with the world around you. As I learn about myself and who I am authentically, I realize I don’t belong in the physical world.
This may sound odd to you; strange even, but I want to be honest and the question you ask, what is the hardest part of being self-aware; requires disclosure because in true self-awareness you are honest about yourself.
As you understand yourself authentically, you discover not only who you are but where you fit in with the rest of the world.
As I don’t feel I fit in, I also feel I don’t belong here. There is just too much of the human world; society and its mores, cultures, traditions and values that I do not feel aligned to.
So the hardest part for me in being self-aware is having to contend with being here, on planet earth and coping with the existence that is dictated to me by human society which controls every aspect of human existence and for the most part, does so around an artificial and synthetic world and the artificial and synthetic inventions and foods that they produce.
The real world, the natural world; the natural environment which is unrecognizable, is gone and there is no spirit life in man’s world.
As I am aware that I am spirit, this is devastating to me.
I find no spirit in man and nothing of man in me.


  1. Men seek the rewards of the flesh and therefore very few men are self aware. To be self aware, you must know and be awakened to the spirit, as well as the flesh. Men are nothing to you, because men lack substance. Men do not breathe life into the spirit, so the spirit goes to sleep like the rest that comes in death. Only when the flesh is aware of the spirit, can a man gain the substance he needs to truly place nature above himself. Through placing nature above oneself, a man becomes self aware of every single thing that lives, breathes, exists and suffers upon this entire earth. Knowing that men must take notice of all things that are not apart of themselves, just so they can become self aware, means that the hardest part of any mans self awareness journey, lies in the fact that, to become self aware, men, must give up their greed and selfish desires, so that they will stop considering themselves to be the greatest, most superior and valued species on the entire planet.

    1. Thank you, Mercy. I believe the level of self-awareness is not very deep. In order to be self centered or selfish, they must be aware of a self, but that self is not full. It is a shadow of a person; it is only the leanings, cravings and desires that they are aware of and these things all pertain to the body. So they are aware of their bodies and not much else. Not even their minds. There is body awareness, mind awareness, body and mind awareness, body, mind and spirit awareness and the awareness that removes the human component completely. This last level of awareness is the highest, for when awareness of being human is gone, so is attachment to the human form and all the cravings that go with being human. Even the very life force is surrendered because human existence no longer serves the new level of awareness. This is Nirvana; heaven, peace, ecstasy, elation and bliss.

    2. “As Jesus once said: "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2, NIV .)

      The Spirit is Above, Self Awareness of the spirit, overrides self awareness of the flesh.


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Thank You for reaching out! We are all a part of the vast universe of consciousness. Lets not lose touch.

Peaceful Thoughts,


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