Why do we believe we are our minds?

I do not know why “we” believe “we” are our minds. I can only tell you why I believe I am a mind and why I believe mind is all there is.

First, I did not consider all as mind. The information came from Jesus Christ in a channeled conversation with him.
I will give as brief a background as I can to help you understand where I am coming from.
I was never a particularly imaginative person, that is, I did not have fantasies of mini movies in my mind. However, I was always a spiritual person who sensed wonderful things.
These wonderful things were very high, very pleasant unearthly vibration; vibrations that placed my mind outside my physical body and gave me the sense that I was not on earth.
I did not see the stars or the moon; I did not see other galaxies. I did not “see” anything. I only sensed this; my whole body was filled with this sensation and the emotional content it gave me was absolute peace; bliss; a release of all cares and troubles.
I have had these sensations since I was 5 years old. These sensations were the inspiration for my spiritual journey, though at that young age, I did not know they were spiritual.
I was always a deep thinker and an analytical person and throughout my life I have not found anything on the physical plane that affected me with the wonderful feeling that came all on its own, on its own time table, throughout my life.
I experienced religion through my mother. The religion was Catholicism, but she was not Catholic. She did, however love Christ. My father was Catholic and it was his idea that we attend his church.
So I was introduced to religion at the same time I was having my feelings but the catholic church did not inspire me and it did not make me feel that wonderful feeling. The church didn’t, the church service didn’t and the catholic classes didn’t. Neither did the humans that represented the church and I was glad to be rid of it when we no longer attended.
But these wonderful waves of feeling still came to me.
I was approached at odd times throughout my life, by human messengers from their christian faith that would try to convert me. I never understood how they found me, but I was never pulled in. They did not inspire me and their sales pitch didn’t inspire me and I heard the pitch from the Mormon’s, the Episcopalians, the Unitarians, and Christ Fellowship.
I had some amazing dreams with religious overtones that seemingly happened out of the blue while I was sleeping, but as wonderful as they were to have, I was not driven to church.
Instead, I took it upon myself to find the truth.
I will not prolong my post with the full story, needless to say, my life was not easy due to circumstances beyond my control and there has been much misery, and the misery drove me to find god, not in the churches of the world, but in my mind. I started to write in personal journals, documenting my journey and all my thoughts and asking my questions.
And then I had a near fatal accident when I was 47. I do not remember the accident, but I was told a car struck me while I crossed the street. I had multiple broken bones and internal injuries and a concussion. I was told I was knocked out. My sister who was with me and unharmed, told me she thought I was dead because I was thrown 7
feet and my eyes were open and blood was coming from my mouth.
And this is my memory of that: I remember leaving the house early in the morning. I remember it was a crisp day in November, I remember the sun. My next memory is of darkness; empty darkness and a wonderful feeling of liberation, freedom, peace and release. My perception was alive. I was emancipated and free and I had the clear thought that I must be disembodied and for the first time, I felt I was one with the sensation I had on earth.
Then I woke in an ambulance and my body felt like it weighed a ton and I could not move my limbs. I could not speak coherently at first and it took a few seconds to formulate the answers to the questions the attendant was asking me, but my lucid dream and my lucid thought of being disembodied was still on my mind.
knew something happened to me; something beyond the physical damage. I couldn’t care less about the physical damage, I wanted to understand the non-physical experience. But the responses I got were not satisfying. “Shock” was the first response from a doctor.
I waited. How long does shock last? One month later, I was in full memory of what occurred. I could summon that plane and those vivid sensations and that clear thought at will. I was out of my body and no one could tell me I wasn’t. I had a clear channel outside my body…but to where?
I returned to my journal to write about it and ask questions and then I began to pursue the one person my mother always spoke of, the one person she went to when she was in need; Christ.
And he came, and he spoke to me, and he sent three others from his House to speak with me and one of the first things he told me was, “You are a mind, you are not your body. The reason you saw blackness after your accident, is you took nothing with you. You are not attached to things of the earth. Most come with their memories, you did not. It was not your time so you had to go back, but we have attempted to realign your energies.”
I was fully awake and busy jotting it all down and I asked many questions.
And when the visit was over, I began to think about the information. What did it mean? Could it be true?
Well, as far as my own experience goes, I have been thinking my whole life. I have been perceiving my environment, my experiences and I have been taking in information through my senses of touch, taste, smell and sight, my feelings and emotions and even my spiritual senses.
All of my life I have been processing information, receiving information and dispensing information, reacting to information and learning information.
And it just came to me very gently that life is a mental process. That is all it is. It isn’t about the body, the body is just the vessel that transmits the sight, sound, taste, touch and feelings, but it is the mind that decides what these things mean and it is the mind that, through its judgments of these things, decides what it thinks of the experiences it has.
It is all the mind.
So yes, I believe it. I am a mind. I am not my body.
I believe it because I was disembodied and my perception was more alive then ever. I was pure spirit.


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