Why is our greatest wealth our mind?
Our greatest wealth is our mind because we are our minds.
Our minds are all we are.
We are not our bodies.
Our belief that our bodies are the sum total of our existence is an illusion.
We are mental beings. We think and we collect information. We have been doing this inside our mother’s womb and we are still doing it.
Think about this and you will see it is true.
You are your thoughts, your opinions, your judgments, your feelings and your emotions.
It is your information that drives your behavior, it forms your character and personality. It makes you who you are.
Study this in yourselves.
You are not your bodies.
Your reality is directly determined by your thoughts.
You do not create reality by thinking it up, you determine what it is worth by your assessment of it.
This is the mind at work, not the flesh body.
The flesh body is only the vessel that houses you while you are on earth.
You are a mind. Your true nature is intelligence. You are information and as information, you are one dimensional.
The only way you, as information, can grow and evolve is if you become multi-dimensional.
Your body; your flesh vessel has nerve endings. While you are in it, you experience the dimensions of sight, touch, taste, smell, feelings and emotions. You learn to think, analyze, reason and utilize logic. You gain knowledge of a multi-dimensional world and you record all your information and when your body dies, you are released with all your information and your true life begins.
Your true life is as a mind, free of the weight of gravity, free of the constraints of the flesh body. You are now educated in multi-dimensional existence because you have been educated in the multi-dimensional physical universe, and you can now use your education to make all of your mental worlds multi-dimensional.
You can also access all information in the conscious universe and experience it in full multi dimensional experiences.
You can also interact with those who are still on earth.
This is your wealth.
It is your only wealth.
Nothing physical will come with you after death.
You only have your knowledge and if you have spent your time wisely, you will learn how to utilize your knowledge to enhance your true life as an infinite living mind.
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Thank You for reaching out! We are all a part of the vast universe of consciousness. Lets not lose touch.
Peaceful Thoughts,