
Why has neuroscience not settled the question of free will?

All of man’s science is based on physical proof. What physical properties does the will have? Can you hold it in your hand? Can you pour it on to your cereal? Have you ever heard/read of any doctor, especially a surgeon who removed the will of a patient when they removed their tonsils? Performed a heart transplant, Removed a bad kidney, removed gall stones or performed brain surgery? Human science will not find the physical evidence of the will nor will they ever produce the physical proof of a spirit. (Even though ghosts can be captured on cameras. Technology makes this evidence speculative and open to interpretation.) Human science will also never produce a mind or the thoughts that a mind contains. Human science is limited, finite and incomplete because man’s vision is also limited by his blind refusal to open his limited mind to a universe of possibilities that exists beyond the physical realm.

How can I enhance and expand my natural extrasensory perception abilities?

  Start a daily exercise and when I say daily, I mean do this all the time when you are not otherwise distracted by the demands of a corporeal existence: Focus on your extrasensory perception. Meditate on it as if you waiting to hear something, see something, realize something. In this way, with this one exercise, you are communing with the conscious universe through your own portal to it. The vibrations of your senses, fixed on that portal will reach through to the universe and you will meet other vibrations; perhaps a guide that will choose to train you.

Why doesn't God answer all prayers?

In his infinite wisdom and superior intellect, God created a perfect world; a balanced web of existence that sustained itself through the cooperation of all parts and particles. When the world was complete, he chose to create a servant for that world and he created the body of man. The intention was that man would serve the world and care for it, he would tend the earth and all the life upon her; he would raise his own offspring and teach them to act as care takers of the earth too, and through caring for the earth, man would learn to love the earth and through love, man would be raised and god would be pleased. But this is not what happened. Though all life was made with parts of God, and man was also made with parts of god, man chose to be individual from god; he chose to be a part from god and even chose to be his own god. When this occurred, man could not hear god’s voice, he could not feel god’s presence and he no longer felt the spirit of god within himself. ...

How do you stop seeing ghosts?

I am sorry to report that I don’t believe you can. If you are psychic (and you obviously are if you see ghosts) you will continue to see ghosts. I think what you need is a way to handle the gift that you possess especially if you have no interest in pursuing it. Seeing ghosts can be frightening, but it can also be a challenge because it will push you to the limit of reality (what you thought was reality, before you started seeing ghosts.) When you see a ghost, you come face to face with the immortal. You are looking at someone whose flesh body has died yet, their spirit lives. At the very core of this, this is astounding. But it’s really not frightening. Not if you understand what you are seeing. Are you interested? You are not the sum of your body. This is why the spirit survives. You are a mind; not the mind of your brain, you are the mind of your spirit. Your spirit is your actual body. The body you see as the “ghost” is actually made of spirit material which is ...

Are living organisms actually patterns of information that persist through an ongoing exchange of matter-energy?

Yes they are patterns of information. The entire physical universe is actually a web of information in the lowest dimension of conscious thought that has been compressed with gravity to produce all the things that can be experienced through the senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, smell, feeling and emotions and all the levels of understanding including rational, logical, analytical, psychological, mathematical and scientific. But the living information is not living due to an ongoing exchange of energy matter, it lives because it cannot die. Only the physical material can die. When the matter component expires, the energy and information are released from the matter form. All information is eternal and infinite. It cannot be destroyed, simply because it is all contained in a conscious universe. Each strand of information represents one strand of a giant web of information that is the foundation for all of physical life. The web is an actual information matrix; a consc...

What is the distinction between spirit, soul, mind, and consciousness?

The best way to answer this is to say you are a conscious energy being. Because you are conscious, you are awake and alert. Ever since you have been awake and alert you have been perceiving something. Your perceptions indicated you were aware that there was something to perceive. As you investigated what you experienced, you learned where you were and what things were called. You even learned your name and who you were as well as who you were in relation to everyone else. You are always learning something, even though you may not realize it. This is because you are constantly processing information that you receive through your senses. Your senses are your sight, the sounds you hear, the feeling of the things you touch, the taste of the foods you eat and drink and the smells of odors you encounter. You also experience emotional feelings and the feelings of intuition. But more than anything else, you experience thoughts. As a matter of fact, it is your thoughts that inspire...

Why is our greatest wealth our mind?

Our greatest wealth is our mind because we are our minds. Our minds are all we are. We are not our bodies. Our belief that our bodies are the sum total of our existence is an illusion. We are mental beings. We think and we collect information. We have been doing this inside our mother’s womb and we are still doing it. Think about this and you will see it is true. You are your thoughts, your opinions, your judgments, your feelings and your emotions. It is your information that drives your behavior, it forms your character and personality. It makes you who you are. Study this in yourselves. You are not your bodies. Your reality is directly determined by your thoughts. You do not create reality by thinking it up, you determine what it is worth by your assessment of it. This is the mind at work, not the flesh body. The flesh body is only the vessel that houses you while you are on earth. You are a mind. Your true nature is intelligence. You are information and ...