
Showing posts from February, 2020

Are living organisms actually patterns of information that persist through an ongoing exchange of matter-energy?

Yes they are patterns of information. The entire physical universe is actually a web of information in the lowest dimension of conscious thought that has been compressed with gravity to produce all the things that can be experienced through the senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, smell, feeling and emotions and all the levels of understanding including rational, logical, analytical, psychological, mathematical and scientific. But the living information is not living due to an ongoing exchange of energy matter, it lives because it cannot die. Only the physical material can die. When the matter component expires, the energy and information are released from the matter form. All information is eternal and infinite. It cannot be destroyed, simply because it is all contained in a conscious universe. Each strand of information represents one strand of a giant web of information that is the foundation for all of physical life. The web is an actual information matrix; a consc...

What is the distinction between spirit, soul, mind, and consciousness?

The best way to answer this is to say you are a conscious energy being. Because you are conscious, you are awake and alert. Ever since you have been awake and alert you have been perceiving something. Your perceptions indicated you were aware that there was something to perceive. As you investigated what you experienced, you learned where you were and what things were called. You even learned your name and who you were as well as who you were in relation to everyone else. You are always learning something, even though you may not realize it. This is because you are constantly processing information that you receive through your senses. Your senses are your sight, the sounds you hear, the feeling of the things you touch, the taste of the foods you eat and drink and the smells of odors you encounter. You also experience emotional feelings and the feelings of intuition. But more than anything else, you experience thoughts. As a matter of fact, it is your thoughts that inspire...

Why is our greatest wealth our mind?

Our greatest wealth is our mind because we are our minds. Our minds are all we are. We are not our bodies. Our belief that our bodies are the sum total of our existence is an illusion. We are mental beings. We think and we collect information. We have been doing this inside our mother’s womb and we are still doing it. Think about this and you will see it is true. You are your thoughts, your opinions, your judgments, your feelings and your emotions. It is your information that drives your behavior, it forms your character and personality. It makes you who you are. Study this in yourselves. You are not your bodies. Your reality is directly determined by your thoughts. You do not create reality by thinking it up, you determine what it is worth by your assessment of it. This is the mind at work, not the flesh body. The flesh body is only the vessel that houses you while you are on earth. You are a mind. Your true nature is intelligence. You are information and ...

Why do we believe we are our minds?

I do not know why “we” believe “we” are our minds. I can only tell you why I believe I am a mind and why I believe mind is all there is. First, I did not consider all as mind. The information came from Jesus Christ in a channeled conversation with him. I will give as brief a background as I can to help you understand where I am coming from. I was never a particularly imaginative person, that is, I did not have fantasies of mini movies in my mind. However, I was always a spiritual person who sensed wonderful things. These wonderful things were very high, very pleasant unearthly vibration; vibrations that placed my mind outside my physical body and gave me the sense that I was not on earth. I did not see the stars or the moon; I did not see other galaxies. I did not “see” anything. I only sensed this; my whole body was filled with this sensation and the emotional content it gave me was absolute peace; bliss; a release of all cares and troubles. I have had these sensati...

Can our consciousness actually die? If not, where does it go when our bodies are finished?

The best and easiest way to understand life after death is to understand you are a mental being, not a physical one. You are your mind, not your brain. You are all of your information; your thoughts, ideas, plans, dreams, illusions, fantasies, memories, knowledge, your thoughts about yourself and who you are, your personality and character. Your mind continues to live, think, imagine and experience. How does it do this? Ever since you can remember you have been experiencing life on earth. You experience life through your body which gives you sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, feelings and emotions. You perceive things, make judgments about these things (you like them or you don’t) and you record these things. They become your information. You retain all of your sensory information and after your body dies, your mind continues to experience its thoughts in the 3D senses it had on earth, because you recorded your 3D senses. So in short, the mind lives on. The mind is not p...

If we all go through the circle of animals, how do ghosts and spirits work?

Ghosts  are  spirits. Those that are attached to the things of the earth (including attachments to living things) are called ghosts because they remain here, on the earth. Those who are not attached, cross over to the afterlife. The afterlife is the conscious universe. To understand ghosts and spirits you need to understand yourself. You look in a mirror and see your flesh face staring back at you. If you look into a full length mirror, you will see your clothed flesh body is also there. But you are not your body. You are a spirit inside a body. The body is not you and you are not the body. The body is an instrument that you, as a spirit, utilize in order to gather the information of your physical existence. All of the information in your mind is your information. It is what you think you look like, what you think you sound like, what you think of, what you know, what you remember, what you believe, what you dream about and what you fantasize over. All you...

Whatever imagination or thoughts that comes in our mind whether we do them intentionally or unintentionally, are they related to our thinking?

Yes and no. Please read on and I will tell you what I have learned through channeling spirits. You are a conscious magnetic energy being and thoughts are the stuff of the conscious universe to which you are a part. Consciousness is one dimensional. The physical world is multi-dimensional. It contains many dimensional layers. Each dimension corresponds to plane of consciousness: Touch, taste, smell, sight, feelings, emotions, intuition, logic and reasoning, and the psychic plane. The physical world literally exists because of all these planes (dimensions) are present at one time, layered on top of one another and compressed by gravity. The compressed planes results in the manifestation of multi-dimensional information or 3-D information that your flesh body perceives through its senses. Your own true body, that of conscious magnetic energy, draws all this information in and records it through your perception. Your judgments concerning this information creates your world...

What is the divine will?

The divine will is most often used in reference to deities; it is a god’s will. However divinity is at its essence, supreme purity, intellect, reasoning, virtue and holiness. It is a state beyond the human condition because it is a state free from gravity and the resulting negative energy that gravity bears. Divinity is a supreme ideal and it is often the fancy of the imagination that yearns for superior experiences and superior living. Divinity is also holiness, benevolence, altruism and pacifism. Because human understanding is often marred by the limitation of the lower world and lower energies, much of the information about divinity is often corrupt as well. For instance, the gods of religious writings often encourage violence and depravity. These conditions are not conditions of holiness or virtue and that is how we can know that any commands that preach or condone violence and depravity are also not the commands of a divine being but the commands of a lower being wh...

Why do long forgotten memories resurface?

When a memory resurfaces, usually something triggered it. All your information is recorded and you access it by thinking of it. Memories are mini movies with pictures and sound and sometimes with feelings, tastes and the sensation of touch. If you have been thinking of something, or have had an experience that reminded you of something else, but you couldn’t think of what it was, you activated the information in your mind and even though you will go on in the foreground of your thoughts, behind the scenes, your mind is still ruminating and trying to locate what has been forgotten. Then out it pops. Sometimes you aren’t consciously aware that a new experience is similar to an old experience, but your subconscious mind is aware and will bring out the old as soon as it finds it. If you do not connect the dots, you will see no reason for the return memory. All of life works in cycles, including thoughts. Just because a thought is not in front of you all the time, does not mean i...

Do pictures make us more attached to memories?

Your memories are made up of the perceptions you made of your experiences. As you perceive your experiences visually, you also retain the pictures that you perceived and as an experience is one of fluid motion, these pictures will also be moving. Your memories are moving pictures of your perceptions of sight, sound, taste, touch, feeling, emotion and interpretation. What attaches you to your memories is your own ideas of what the memory means. Your need for something in the memory is what attaches you to the memory, whether you are attached to your mother’s love or your love for your mother, or your love for anyone or anything else. You make the attachment by attaching importance to an object emotionally. The attachment itself comes from a need, a craving, or a cleaving to something that you do not want to be without. I should also point out that memories are seldom accurate. They are recordings of events along with your embellishments of those events. Everything you exp...

What is the legitimate personal psychology behind the spiritual 'phenomenon' of the "old soul"?

I don’t know if this will answer your question or not. An old soul is the result of much wisdom. Wisdom is not usually a sudden gift, but one that comes as the result of many years of deep contemplative thinking. When you are dedicated to understanding you make understanding an art form and your thinking is actually as much a pleasurable past time as any other pleasurable past time can be. But it is also wrought with difficulties as all things are. For the dedicated thinker who yearns for the knowing and understanding of life’s mysteries and the mysteries of the universe, often times, personal emotions get in the way, personal feelings, opinions and judgments also cloud the objectifying process. But sometimes too, the information itself that you are using as the food that you will analyze and contemplate is confounding. Despite it’s challenges, as you travel the journey of intrinsic knowing, you will find you are also traveling through the dimensions of the mind. Each state ...

In what ways can human memory be manipulated?

Ever since you you can remember, you have been recording your experiences. What you perceive through your eyes, nose, mouth, fingers, ears, feelings and emotions make all your recordings multi-dimensional. All of these things are your information along with your personality, character and your ideas of what you look and sound like. Even your fantasies and dreams are there. All information is stored in your mind and all information carries a wave of energy proportioned to its emotional content. As you encounter new experiences, you may perceive something and in your initial response to this new thing, there will be a wave from you that will be part of the thought “Where have I seen this before?” The information already in your mind is stirred into motion and suddenly the memory comes back to you. You have called it through an equal wave contained in a present day thought, feeling or emotion. Memories become manipulated because they are not pure information. For exampl...

How do I attain real peace?

There is only one way to attain peace and that is to release all that is not peaceful. Let it all go. All of it. Fill yourself with emptiness and you will fill yourself with peace. To have anything in you is to be full of something and something will always lead you somewhere, it will have some effect. Something generates movement. Peace is non-generating. It is passive; inactive, tranquil, serene. Peace is hard to find because society is not geared for it. Society is run on frantic energy; racing to make ends meet. Racing to do all the physical activities that need to be done so that you fit into the round hole that society wants you to fill. You’re only a peg in society’s eyes, you see. And if you conform to society’s thoughts and beliefs, you are a round peg and you will fit nicely into the hole they made for you. Should you be a square peg, you will not fit society. This will make you outcast. Alarm bells will ring. You will be ostracized. You must not stray from the...

What does Buddhism think of the universe? How could the universe have formed? Is the universe cyclical in Buddhism?

Thank you for your question. I do not know the teachings of Buddhism because those teachings rely heavily on the interpretation of the many, many facets of the Buddhist religion as interpreted by their individual leaders. I have read about the teachings of the first Buddha though. The Buddha traveled the globe and discovered much misery that was self-inflicted due to harmful thinking and an attachment to harmful thoughts. He was so affected by this that he withdrew from the world and began his own practice to cleanse himself of all that he had seen. His endeavor was to reach Nirvana; a state of peace that is free from harmful thoughts and the craving and clinging that these thoughts cause which ultimately results in pain. Buddha observed life around him in order to gain insight and knowledge from what he experienced. So too, did he observe the universe, from his own seat, when he looked into the night sky. The universe was not troubled but man was very troubled. The st...

What is the hardest part about being self aware?

Thank you for your question. I had to reflect for a moment in order to answer. In my experience, being self-aware is more about knowing who you are authentically, then it is about being aware of your every move or interaction with the world around you. As I learn about myself and who I am authentically, I realize I don’t belong in the physical world. This may sound odd to you; strange even, but I want to be honest and the question you ask, what is the hardest part of being self-aware; requires disclosure because in true self-awareness you are honest about yourself. As you understand yourself authentically, you discover not only who you are but where you fit in with the rest of the world. As I don’t feel I fit in, I also feel I don’t belong here. There is just too much of the human world; society and its mores, cultures, traditions and values that I do not feel aligned to. So the hardest part for me in being self-aware is having to contend with being here, on planet earth and...

What is the nature of reality regarded as a universal truth taught by the Buddha?

The nature of reality is that all things will pass away. In the teachings of the Buddha, clinging and craving create the pain that fills human life because all things pass away (in some form) and humans (due to their attachment to things) cannot understand, cope with or bear the loss. Loss is frightening, disturbing, upsetting and often devastating to such an extent that the human mind will focus on what is absent and will not be able to refocus on what is still present. People pursue states of fulfillment according to their own attachment to their own ideas of what is satisfying. It is like this: First you see something you cannot live without. Something that may be animate or inanimate, living or material based. You begin to pursue this thing first in your thoughts. “I must have this.” Then you plan how to get it and begin your physical pursuit to obtain it. Once you have your perceived “treasure” you are elated for a time as you experience its presence in your life...