How does channeling spirit guides work?
You will understand what I’m about to tell you if you put it to the test. See this for yourself in your own life. You are a thinking machine. No matter what you do, you cannot stop thinking. All of your life, you will be thinking about the information you are experiencing through your sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, feelings and emotions. You will be analyzing, judging and forming opinions and beliefs. Are you with me so far? You will observe that you are surrounded by information not only from all the media sources available and from the people you interact with, but from every thing you experience through your senses. Absolutely everything in the universe is telling you something. Check it out. Are you still with me? Do you see how everything is information and you are a receiver and processor of this information? This is what you truly are. You could say you are a thought machine that receives and sends thoughts. Now, without writing a thought down on pape...