
Showing posts from January, 2020

How does channeling spirit guides work?

You will understand what I’m about to tell you if you put it to the test. See this for yourself in your own life. You are a thinking machine. No matter what you do, you cannot stop thinking. All of your life, you will be thinking about the information you are experiencing through your sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, feelings and emotions. You will be analyzing, judging and forming opinions and beliefs. Are you with me so far? You will observe that you are surrounded by information not only from all the media sources available and from the people you interact with, but from every thing you experience through your senses. Absolutely everything in the universe is telling you something. Check it out. Are you still with me? Do you see how everything is information and you are a receiver and processor of this information? This is what you truly are. You could say you are a thought machine that receives and sends thoughts. Now, without writing a thought down on pape...

What can be causing my bizarre delusions? I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but I know that's not the case. I believe that characters from shows and books I like can see/hear me. I've never had hallucinations and I am in complete control of myself.

I will tell you something that may or may not make you happy. The characters in shows and books are actually the thoughts of someone. Think about it. Someone, somewhere, writes a book with characters in it. Where do the character’s come from and does thinking of them, writing out their lives and committing them to a physical medium such as a page, give them life? Thoughts DO carry energy waves. Now these same characters are the subject of a movie, television show, or play and human actors are interpreting them and bringing them to life in their flesh. How much more alive are the thoughts now? Then, along you come and you read the book and you see the production and you say these characters appear to you and speak to you. I tell you, they also appeared to the author and they also spoke to him. Why shouldn’t they speak to you? You have thoughts don’t you? And now you are also channeling thoughts.

What is the differences between schizophrenia's reality and philosophical Metaphysical reality? If they are both seeing things that are not there that only they can see?

Reality is in the eye of the beholder. Who can honestly judge anyone else and their experiences when so much is based on perspective and perspective itself is based on so many different factors. Is it necessary to understand every one’s individual perspective and what does it mean if you do understand everyone’s individual perspective? Does it validate your perspective? The moment we make a judgment about something, we have closed a door and named our world according to that judgment. We are all information seekers. That is who we are. We are not the sum of our bodies at all. We are mental machines, not the sum of our organic brains that will die, but the sum of our metaphysical minds. Our minds are not made of flesh. We are on a journey of information in a multi-dimensional universe of physical matter in order that we learn what it is to be multi-dimensional. The information we gather that we accept as our own makes us who we are. We are nothing more and nothing l...

What does the spirit world look like?

What does the spirit world look like? Well, it looks like the thoughts that are in the conscious universe. We are conscious and we have thoughts. We have dreams, ideas, fantasies, illusions and memories. We have a personality and a character and we have thoughts of what we look and sound like. We are not flesh, we are the sum of all our thoughts. When you see a ghost (spirit), what you see is the information of a human being. It is the information that particular individual human being collected of itself. In other words it reflects its thought of what it looked like and if it speaks, it reflects the voice that it remembers it sounded like. When you are channeling information from the spirit world, you are channeling a spirit’s thoughts. When that spirit takes you on a journey and you seem to go somewhere and see places, you are literally traveling inside the spirits dreams, illusions and fantasies. As we are the sum of our information contained in our minds that ou...

If consciousness is awareness, then what constitutes awareness beyond the faculties of the rational?

Consciousness is layered by awareness. It is a field; a universe of all awareness that is layered in planes. The first plane of consciousness is actually awakeness without awareness. The second plane is awareness and then the third is self-awareness These planes are followed by all the planes that correspond to everything that you can be aware of for instance, sight, smell, hearing, taste, feelings, emotions, rational thoughts, logical thoughts, reasoning, it’s all there in the conscious layers of the conscious universe. Awareness of all layers is the awareness on a higher conscious layer than what is rational. All conscious layers are compressed in order to create the gravitational field necessary for the conditions of physical life to form. At the the end of the physical life cycle, the gravity lock is opened and the layers of the individual’s consciousness are again spread out and the thinker is released in the wholeness of their thoughts.

What will happen when hell or heaven becomes full of souls?

Heaven and Hell are each metaphors for opposing states of mind. To understand either realm, it is important to understand the mind itself. Unlike the brain which is a physical organ, the mind is a metaphysical field of information. This metaphysical field of information is contained within the spirit. As the spirit is a metaphysical body, the mind would be the spirit’s metaphysical information system. The mind contains the character, personality, likes, dislikes, attitudes, beliefs and feelings that it’s human owner possessed in life. When the human body  dies, the mind is released to the conscious universe. Each mind; every mind; is its own conscious universe and every mind is contained within a larger conscious universe. Hell would denote a conscious universe of minds that were troubled; plagued by dark or evil thoughts, thoughts of revenge, jealousy, hate, resentment, bitterness and so on. There would be as many layers to this universe as there are sides to ang...

Why can some people see ghosts and others can’t?

Some people are open to receive consciousness from the larger plane of consciousness. Unless you have experienced being released from the body, you might not understand what I am about to say, but, for me, I feel as if I am “contained” in a body. I am literally suffocated as if I were in a box with a lid on it. When I was released from my body after a traumatic accident, I was vast, spatial and free. There was no weight on me and no lid. My senses were all sharper than normal and so was my thinking. I knew immediately I was disembodied. I use this to illustrate what I mean by the larger plane of consciousness. Consciousness is a universe all its own. What we have here is just a matter universe. This is nothing compared to the conscious universe. Everything here is limited and finite. There, it is expansive, wide and free. It is weightless. Some people on earth are open to this plane. This plane is where consciousness goes once the body dies. It is a vast universe, so ...

When people refer to the spirit, or describe something as spiritual, what do they mean? Are they referring to an emotion or to a feeling?

I can only speak for myself. I have my own private, individual, non-mainstream spiritual practice and ministry. When I speak of the spirit, I speak of the spiritual field; the essence of life. The essence of life is not physical which is why it is referred to as the “essence” of life. The essence of life is a conscious impulse wave of energy. This conscious impulse wave is actively recording all of our impressions, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, dreams, proclivities and opinions. It also records and holds our thoughts about ourselves including out character and personality, likes and dislikes. This conscious wave is a part of a universal field of conscious energy waves. Our consciousness is never separated from this field, but we are not all aware we are conscious, nor are we all aware of the conscious field. Those who are aware of the field of consciousness experience what the non-aware refer to as “phenomena.” These “phenomena” include deja vu experiences, psychic “phe...

Did my mom actually visit me 5 days after she passed away from cancer in my dream? She looked young, healthy, & had a green shirt on and said "I'm just so happy I seen you before I went, I love you sweetie" & hugged me which felt real.

How wonderful for you. I hope you found this a beautiful experience. I say ‘I love you, Ma.” when I want to talk to my mother who passed in 2006. I have had many dreams of her and all are warm and loving. She also spoke to me the day after she died and we have talked a few times after that. Speak to your mother if you wish. Don’t ever lose the connection. Love does not have to end if you keep it alive. It is obvious that your mother keeps her love for you alive.

What can psychics pick up on that normal people can’t?

There is only one difference between a person with psychic gifts and a person without psychic gifts and that is their level of awareness. Some psychics are born with the gift and they are psychic even in childhood. Some people develop psychic ability after a traumatic event. Still others have latent abilities that may crop up every once in a while but not often enough for the owner to take it seriously, and then their gifts will be exacerbated just as if the flood gates of consciousness became open. We are all conscious, so we are all the same. We are all connected to the conscious universe. The conscious universe contains all the thoughts that anyone has ever thought; all the ideas, dreams, schemes, plans and all knowledge. It also contains every person’s personality and character because these things too, are information. This is exactly how we live on after death; we survive death, because we are not the sum of our flesh and bones, we are the sum of our thoughts. To be...

Can God coerce humans to freely love one another, why hasn't He?

Hypothetically speaking, God would have to be conscious energy, awake but not aware. Without awareness this energy would not have a self or an identity, so it would not communicate. However, when a human being dies, their spirit is set free from their flesh body and all their information comes with them contained in the mind of their spirit. As spirits that are self-aware, human spirits can and often do communicate with people. Some of these spirits are of infinite age. I speak to Christ and The Buddha (He doesn't identify himself by name) Spirits can reach humans through their conscious energy field where they send their thoughts into the mind of the receiver. But the conditions must be right. The receiver must be open to receive and the energy cannot be in opposition to the sender. Otherwise the voice of “God”, Christ, Mohammed, Buddha etc, will fall on deaf ears. Like minds connect and a message is received. Now it’s up to the receiver what he/she does ...

How can I tell my 67-year-old mom that God does not exist?

Why is it important to tell her this? Is the information to benefit you or her? God is a personal thing. If you value your personal beliefs and do not want anyone to try and take them from you, then be just as respectful of your mother. Live in peace. Do not take from someone the thing they hold on to and treasure the most. You cannot judge for your mother what is best for her, only she can. She came into this world alone and she will leave this world alone. Let her have her God for company. And you have yours. Surrender the need to change others.

What are the boundaries between mediumship and madness?

I believe madness is subjective. Anytime you encounter any information that you’re not ready to receive, you will reject it. Imagine the cave man recoiling in horror to fire? You don’t recoil to it though because you understand it. But until you understand the thing that you’re afraid of, it will seem like madness to you. Once you understand it you will be able to see it through the eyes of knowledge which removes the fear component. The work of a medium is to speak to those who have passed on after their physical bodies have died. If this is something that you understand and accept then the medium should present any information to you concerning your deceased friend or relation in a sensitive, compassionate manner. There should be nothing maddening about it. If you go into the session fearful of it, you really shouldn’t do it. I believe the work of a medium is at best a practice for those who believe that love never dies for we are never parted from those we love...

Is there any logical reason why deceased people can't communicate with the living besides death?

As consciousness is not made of matter, it cannot be destroyed. Only matter is finite. Consciousness is infinite and it is through consciousness that we survive after death. We are not our bodies, we are our minds. The brain is the organ that surgeons operate on; not the mind. The mind holds all our thoughts and all our recorded memories and feelings, even our thoughts of what we look and sound like and who we think we are. When the body dies, the gravity lock that holds us to the body, opens and we are free. Those of us who are on the journey to explore consciousness, can leave our bodies while on earth and speak with spirits so we understand this. But many do not accept that this is real. I only say that you cannot prove consciousness isn’t real when you yourself are thinking all the time and you cannot prove thoughts die when you cannot produce a dead thought. All you can produce is a lifeless corpse; a body. But that body is not a thought. It is a matter organ...

If you are an immortal individual infinite spirit existing within an infinite number of other similar beings then how can you kill or murder? Who invented the concept of the immortality of the human spirit force that is within you?

When you ask how can you kill or murder, I assume you mean how can you physically kill or murder, because both killing and murdering are physical acts and mortals carry out physical acts; they are the only ones that can carry out physical acts because they are the ones that possess physical bodies to do so. Spirits cannot act in this way. A ghost is anchored to the physical plane and therefore can utilize the energies of the earth to alter temperature conditions within its own environment such as the room it haunts. It may also move objects. But each action it takes, drains its energy so it would not be able to generate energy for long and it is doubtful it could generate enough energy to actually kill a human being. Endanger it, possibly but I’m not so sure about killing it. While you are in your human body, you are anchored to the physical plane even more so than a ghost, but the spirits you may or may not be connected to are not anchored to the earth, these spirits would be ...

If our rebirths are for the sake of seeing things from different points of view, why aren't we given all the required perspectives in one life?

When you are born, you have an opportunity to learn many things. Your education begins in the womb. In the womb you will sense the feelings of your mother. You will be affected by the very things that affect her. When you are born, you will be subjected to and affected by your environment and all the people in it. What they say and how they say it. You will learn speech, reading, writing, math and science. You will not be aware of it, but throughout all of your life, you will be thinking about all of these things, without even intending to do so. If you wish to understand your life and more importantly, yourself, you will take the time to purposely think about everything. You will make decisions throughout your life time. If you take the time to think carefully on your decisions, you will know why you are making them. This will bring you to an understanding of yourself. All your judgments equal your perspective. You can be told what to think and thereby programme...

Are there non-religious answers to connecting with non-physical souls?

Yes. You are information carried by energy and you are currently housed in a flesh body while you acquire the information of multi-dimensional living. This information of multi-dimensional living comes to you through the bodies senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. In addition you learn about emotions and feelings. Each of these things is a dimension. All dimensions converge on the physical plane which is the reason for the creation of all things and the chaos of the environment. At the end of the physical life cycle, the body will die and You as the sum of all your information, will be released into the conscious universe of all information. You will no longer have any matter component associated with you but instead you will be the recorded image of the person you thought you were. You will look exactly like you think you do. You will sound exactly like you think you sound. Your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, memories, knowledge, personality and character will ...

Is it normal to go to the same place and be met by your spirit guides and angels there? Recently there have been additional paths added that are taking me to different places. One is an old town and my deceased family members are there.

You are traveling in your own conscious universe which contains all your thoughts including your subconscious thoughts, supra-conscious thoughts and your memories. Your thoughts produce energy waves (frequency waves) that can connect to other equal frequency waves including the frequency waves of the thoughts of deceased relatives. Thoughts are not physical; they are recorded imprints of information in the conscious universe. Each human being has their own conscious universe and all individual conscious universes are contained in a wider conscious universe that holds ALL individual conscious universes and their individual thoughts. If this is confusing, think of the physical universe; picture our galaxy, see all the physical planets and stars? Now remove the material; the physical aspect. The universe instead contains consciousness, the jettisoned information from once living human beings. This information is whole because it is kept whole by its recorded owner (the person ...