
Showing posts from December, 2019

How does it feel to step out of mind in order to analyse yourself?

I analyze everything, including myself, but I don’t do it outside my mind, I do it with my mind. I am a mind. We are all our minds. The body is not who we are. It is a temporary vessel. We are information and energy and our true form is mind which is ethereal, not physical. To truly experience the mind without the body is to know vast, weightless, empty space. The thing in this vastness is “you;” the collection of your thoughts of yourself; your identity, your character and personality, your memories and beliefs and all your thoughts, feelings and proclivities. There is no thing in your space but you and your thoughts and as you are not physical and your thoughts are not physical, there is nothing solid to take up space which is why you feel vast and weightless.

What does it mean when a dead person's soul is not at peace?

If a dead person’s soul is not at peace then they (the dead person) took a lot of emotional baggage with them when they died. Baggage is the result of attachments to the physical plane and physical existence. Some people do not want to leave loved ones, some do not want to leave their possessions and some just do not want to leave period. Aside from these normal scenarios, there is also the person who carries a grudge and wants satisfaction or revenge. This would also create a tumultuous state after death. Some dead people mourn their death because they are so unhappy their lives are over. Death is inevitable. Unhappiness over it is completely avoidable. Do the work while your alive and make peace with the natural process of the life cycle. There is a time for everything under the sun, including rest after existence. Prepare for it mindfully and you will be relieved to leave.

Who is the person, your thoughts or the physical human body?

You are the sum of your thoughts, beliefs, ideas, personality, character, what you think you look like and who you think you are. Your body is the vessel that houses you during your physical tour of duty on earth while you learn what it is to be a multidimensional being. Your body has senses that you will experience. These include touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing and feelings. Each of these relates to a separate dimension beyond the physical plane. All dimensions converge on the physical plane. As you go through life, you will record all your perceptions including all your sensations, judgments, ideas, knowledge, thoughts and beliefs. When your body dies, you will be released and you will begin life in the conscious universe as your information joins with other information of the same wave. The “you” who recorded the information will remain actively pursuing your thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and further knowledge for as long as you want to do this as you discover the inf...

Do you believe that spirits are among us and influence our lives without our conscious recognition of their powers?

Yes. We are only the sum or our information which is held together by our conscious energy field. The flesh body is only the vessel we use while we are on the earth. Once the body dies, we are released; all our information in our conscious energy field. Because we are still conscious, we can still interact consciously with those flesh beings still on earth if those on earth are open to receive us. We will retain all our memories, knowledge, thoughts, beliefs, character, personality and thoughts of what we look and sound like. In every way we will be the same “person” that we were, but we will have no physical form. However, we will have the ability to project our image outward to others that we connect with so they can see us and as we they are connected to us, they will hear us as well. In addition to projecting our own image, we can project other images as well: an angel, a cherub, a fairy. Any image we can imagine we can also project so that our contact will see this imag...

Can meditation cause debilitating problems?

The only meditation process I am aware of is to empty the mind in order to bring peace to the body and I am not aware of any debilitating problems. There are many positions you can get into in meditation and I suppose if you do not have healthy joints, you might find you are stiff after sitting cross legged or in a yoga pose for a long time, but meditation that is practiced to bring peace to the mind is a flexible practice allowing for vast possibilities in the practice so there is no chance of debilitation. I am a private practitioner, so I do things for myself, geared to my needs. I do not follow any one else’s ideas so I am not familiar with how meditation teachers are doing things. My practice is very relaxing and simple and it starts with finding a time and a place where you can be completely alone and feel safe, wearing comfortable clothes and choosing a comfortable position preferably where you are sitting or lying down. Soft music can be used if this helps you to relax...

What are demons like?

All spirits were once human and after the death of their bodies, they are now the informational remains of their human selves. That is, they are the personality, character, identity, thoughts, ideas, memories, beliefs and inclinations of the once living human being that they were. They just have no body. Categorically speaking, a demon would be a negative spirit. It would hold negative thoughts and negative intentions. It holds these things because this is what it held in life during its physical existence. (Its human self was also negative) Think of the cruelest person you know and remove the body. That person will remain without a physical body. His new body, after death, is a body of all his information. It is the same information, but now it has no flesh. The spirit of that cruel human is also cruel. Think of all the negative acts that are portrayed in the physical world; all the violence, chaos, mayhem.   All the death and pain that comes from negative acts...

Is spirituality something you can attain?

You are either aware you are spirit or you are not aware you are spirit. (Or you don’t believe you are spirit) Once you are aware you are spirit, you can choose to live a spiritual life or you can choose to continue a human life. You do not attain spirituality. You attain awareness of being spirit through the realization that you are not the sum of your flesh and bones you are actually beyond the physical and the limitations of mortality.

I had a dream where I lived out my life with my significant other. It ended with a kiss and I woke up in awe. I don’t dream often and this is a first in months, what could this mean?

It is my interpretation that your dream ended with a kiss because you were sealing the dream with a kiss. It was an agreement that yes, you want to spend your life with this person. Marriage vows are sealed with a kiss. The reference of the kiss is an indication of the intention for a sealed union between you and your partner. If this is NOT how you feel, if this in anyway makes you feel uncomfortable, then the opposite is true. The kiss was meant as an end to the life’s union. It was a goodbye kiss and your waking set you free.

When and in what situations is it best to be skeptical about what you are hearing?

I would be skeptical if I was hearing information that “felt” wrong. I would trust my instincts because I trust my own energy. Our energy is our sensory field. If we are open to perceive it, we can “feel” our way through the physical environment and more importantly, the human landscape. As all things contain energy, we are constantly receiving signals through the energy waves in our environment. We will naturally be drawn to the energy wave that equals our own and we will be repelled by the energy wave that is opposite our own. The idea that opposites attract, is not an accurate statement. In order for an attraction to take place there has to be a wave which connects two objects; a shared purpose; shared ideals; shared goals. While the surface may indicate that two people are opposites,  something  underneath is connecting them. The same is true for information. If your beliefs are opposed to an idea but later, you connect to that idea, you have made a decision...

If heaven exists, what is below?

The religious teaching is that heaven is above and hell is below. Heaven is a place for “good souls” and Hell is a place for those who were not “good” according to the one who interprets these things. If you are looking for all interpretations on the subject here is mine: Both heaven and hell are concepts individually created by the imagination of the author. The mind lives on and continues to think and imagine so it can imagine it is anywhere it wants. All minds are released into the conscious universe, but each mind is its own individual world made up of its individual thoughts. One mind would not necessarily meet another mind unless it chose to. There is nothing below. Minds are thoughts and the energy waves generated by the thoughts and the whole energy signature of the mind will be equal to the combined wave of all thoughts. All low thoughts would reside on an equal plane and all high thoughts would reside on an equal plane. Low and high thoughts would not res...

Can people’s thoughts and behaviors be brought from consciousness into subconsciousness by daily practicing?

What you are asking is can you bury conscious information and hide it in your subconscious using your own will to do so. First of all, hiding your thoughts will not save you from them. Anything that you care about will affect you. Secondly, usually what is buried in the subconscious are the images, thoughts and experiences that are too difficult to bear. They are not the things that we wish would just go away. You are a mind so you have thoughts. This is what you do whether you like it or not. I think it more prudent to understand your thoughts and why you want to bury them. You may learn about yourself. Walking around with your subconscious on overload is not a condition that you want to be in. One way or another, your thoughts will be released and with them, your emotions. Wouldn’t you rather take the time to deal with these things now as they are a part of you, rather than have them jump out at you when you least expect it? If your overall goal is to control your ...

Why aren't there ever near death experiences that describe the time when the person was pronounced dead as nothingness, unconsciousness, non-existence until brought back to life?

What is occurring in NDE’s is the continuation of mental activity even though the heart has stopped functioning. The mind is not the body, the mind lives independently of the body and the brain. It exists as a conscious energy container that stores all your information; your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, thoughts of what you look like and who you are, your opinions, memories and knowledge. What changes during an NDE is your perception. Your perception at this time is based on the condition of your mental baggage. What is there stored in your mind that you can see? What attachments do you have? What are your beliefs? If someone saw nothing, they would have attachments to nothing so they did not carry anything with them from the physical world; they took no baggage. NDE’s are not the only time that a subject can experience continued mental activity. Subjects in comas and in state’s of unconsciousness can also experience mental activity. In 2007, I was struck by a car while cro...

Can the dead get in touch with family members?

It is my experience that when the body dies, the conscious aspects of the person live on in the spirit mind. Their character, personality, thoughts, opinions, beliefs, dreams, goals, ideas and proclivities are intact and they still function mentally as they did on earth. If they are close to someone and feel comfortable enough that they can reach out and speak beyond the veil, they will try and make contact. Likewise, if you are close to someone who has died, you can also make contact. Contact is made by thought waves. You will hear their voice, or see them in a dream and they will show you something or tell you something. Do not turn away because outsiders may not understand. This has nothing to do with them. This is between you and the one you love. Peace.

Is there a psychic dimension to us?

The psychic dimension is the conscious universe which encompasses the physical world and beyond. The conscious universe is a universe of information. Every thought here, on earth, is also there, in the conscious universe. Every image of tomorrow that is on someone’s mind today, is also there is the conscious universe. While you are on earth your head will be full of your own thoughts and all the thoughts you hear from other people, the news, media, propaganda and so on. But you can also access the thoughts of others and when psychics see future occurrences, they are actually perceiving future information in the form of visual or auditory impressions of recordings from the the conscious universe. How do you access the conscious universe? Be open to it. Do not limit yourself to human information or the information that pertains to the human world alone. Open yourself to the information of time itself; past, present and future and then listen for it with the intention to disc...

If Jesus' message was to love enemies, why did he have so many? *Channeled Message From Christ*

Each man chooses his own path. An enemy chooses to be an enemy. It has nothing to do with the victim. The victim speaks only for himself. He does not speak for the enemy. He cannot. The victim only knows his mind, not the mind of anyone else. Jesus has this to say, “No man was my enemy; that is, I was not his enemy. But many men opposed the message I would bring to the world. The message of love was contrary to man’s message of self-importance. Self-love was man’s message and when he heard me speak of love for all, he became enraged. For if all are loved then he is not important. Man must be the receiver of all love. It must not go to his brothers or sisters. Neither can it be flourished upon his mother or father. Such a man, full of hate for all other men and consumed by his love of himself, will do anything to protect himself. He will even kill the messenger who speaks of love for all, because that man is threatened by all. That man serves only the one and that one is him...

Are there non-religious answers to connecting with non-physical souls?

Yes. You are information carried by energy and you are currently housed in a flesh body while you acquire the information of multi-dimensional living. This information of multi-dimensional living comes to you through the body’s senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. In addition you learn about emotions and feelings. Each of these things is a dimension. All dimensions converge on the physical plane which is the reason for the creation of all things and the chaos of the environment. At the end of the physical life cycle, the body will die and You as the sum of all your information, will be released into the conscious universe of all information. You will no longer have any matter component associated with you but instead you will be the recorded image of the person you thought you were. You will look exactly like you think you do. You will sound exactly like you think you sound. Your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, memories, knowledge, personality and character will a...

If the voice in my head is me and the one listening to it is me, does that mean there are 2 of me?

No, but you have two perspectives. Your higher perspective holds higher information, it sees with hope and clarity. It is self-less and altruistic. This perspective holds your higher conscious morality; your inclinations for mercy, compassion, benevolence, kindness and love. Your lower perceptive is muddled by physical needs, responsibilities, the world’s programming and it’s desire to fit in with society and succeed in man’s world. The lower mind will not necessarily follow the altruistic path that serves the highest good, but will instead follow the path that serves its own good. The lower mind is self orientated so it serves itself. It holds the perspective of greed, jealousy, envy, vindictiveness, bitterness, anger, and self-righteousness.

If our thoughts live forever, do we too?

You are your thoughts. I know its hard to believe because you look in a mirror and see a physical person standing there. But actually, you are looking what you think you look like. Yes there is a human figure looking back at you, but what you think you look like frames what you think you see. You know this figure by name because you learned your name from your parents so now when you look in the mirror you see an image and know the name of the image. This is part of your knowledge about the image. But you also know what you think of the image. You know whether the image is handsome, strong, clever, intelligent, successful, witty, and so on. You know this because you have thoughts about the image you see staring back at you in the mirror. You even have thoughts about the style of the image, how it looks in clothes. You have thoughts about the tastes of the image. Do you see how you are a thought? When you see this image in the mirror, you know it is you by looks and appea...

Since ghosts from ancient times are seldom, if ever, seen, do ghosts have a "shelf life"?

What we call a ghost is the informational remains of a human being which is comprised of their recorded image, memories and information. This information is run by the “I” who gathered it during their lifetime; the person’s identity. The identity of the information still controls its information and it chooses what it wants to do and where it wants to go. It is seen on earth because it is choosing to stay on earth to wait for something. Perhaps it chooses to guard, guide, or has plans it wants to accomplish. Whatever the reason, the “ghost” will leave as soon as it has fulfilled it’s quest. There is no “shelf” life to the personal identity of the information of the human experience, but there may be a time when a “ghost” chooses to move on. Moving on will take the “ghost” to the next realm where he/she will never be seen from on earth again. In this next realm, the “ghost” is now even more refined as information, simply because the information has passed through to the nex...